Refrigeration companies united for a shared model
It is well known that refrigeration manufacturers are investing more and more in finding solutions and products with greater efficiency and respect for natural resources, while at the same time reducing both harmful emissions and energy consumption costs.
This is also the aim of Eurovent, the European industrial association that groups together the main industries in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector and of which Pierluigi Schiesaro, Arneg's Director of Research & Development, is proud to be the Chairman of the working group on refrigerated furniture (called PG-RDC).
In particular, the forthcoming Energy Labelling and Eco Design European Directives for the Commercial Refrigeration sector are the main subject of the work group coordinated by Mr. Schiesaro. These regulations were in fact the agenda of the latest meeting held in Madrid on last 17 and 18 September. Discussions have especially put on the table the definition of the parameters that refrigerated displays must follow on the basis of future energy standards.
Among the many issues, efforts were made to better outline also those aspects not clarified by the regulations but indispensable for performing good efficiency tests on standardised furniture, such as, for example, parameters and tools for standardising tests... or other calculation aspects that could influence the Eco Design criteria.
"Refrigerated furniture manufacturers have been waiting for a long time for the European ECODESIGN legislation to define the energy parameters that this type of food distribution equipment must follow. The delay has caused some very damaging elements of great uncertainty for the industry" said Manuel Lamúa, director of AEFYT, the Spanish association of refrigeration companies, where the meeting was held. "We hope that this Eurovent initiative will clarify the situation and that it will do so, also taking into account the professional criteria of the refrigeration industry".
The two-day meeting helped to define the reference model and to draw up a concrete proposal for a standardised configuration of the refrigeration units, consistent with the new energy requirements.
The ultimate purpose is very ambitious: to allow consumers to choose with greater awareness the most energy efficient equipment, possibly with a low environmental impact.
We are now waiting for the entry into force of EPREL, European Product Database for Energy Labelling, which is expected to come into force in the coming months outlining the updating of the standards.
In the photo, from left to right: Jesus Beraza (Vice-Chairman of PG-RDC), Felix Sanz del Castillo (Deputy Managing Director, AEFYT) Roberto Solsona Caballer (President, AEFYT), Pierluigi Schiesaro (Chairman of PG-RDC), Francesco Scuderi (Eurovent)