Arneg Oceania has been directly present in Australia since 1996 and
today is a major player in the country.
Along these years, Arneg Oceania has transferred to the region the solid principles and moral values typical of the Veneto culture, where Arneg was established more than half a century ago.
Products have been customised to Australian specifications and climate, with particular attention to energy efficiencies and power consumption reduction.

The organisation has grown progressively strongly, believing in the effectiveness of production growth sensitive to important topics like safeguarding the environment, energy savings and respecting people.
More recently, Arneg Oceania has also developed an internal production department based in Western Sydney and dedicated to the manufacturing of condensing units based on the Water-Loop solution.
In recent years, a fully operational R&D Testing facility and the acquisition of an Installation and Service major operator (Contract Refrigeration) have provided excellent results in terms of product quality, innovation, and environmental protection.
Customisation is what sets us apart
Refrigerated displays are not all the same.
That is why we offer customers so much choice. Arneg helps customers turn ideas into
reality with products they can personalise to identify their business and refrigeration
solutions they can tailor to meet their needs. Our vast catalogue is the result of thorough
analysis of the characteristics that products need to adapt to different markets.
Arneg knows no limits. Customer feedback and continuous development mean that our
catalogue is constantly expanding and always ahead of the international competition. Our
range includes refrigerated counters and towers, hot cases, vertical and semi-vertical
multi-deck cabinets, open and closed islands, wall counters, roll-in cabinets and rear
service cabinets. A choice of built-in and remote refrigeration systems allows Arneg
solutions to meet the needs of stores of all kinds.
Created by us, tailored for you


From idea

To product

For creativity

In daily life

Italian authenticity
We have always promoted Italian style, elegance and tradition.
Italian style embraces heart and mind, intuition and technology, authenticity and flair for
It also defines the philosophy that, from our earliest beginnings, has driven us to create
products that combine performance and sustainability with beauty and design.
New products are developed daily here at Arneg.
Thanks to great flexibility and team spirit, we can move from prototype to finished product
in very little time.
Our responsiveness can be seen from a continuously changing factory layout as we adapt
to the needs of customers while maintaining the highest levels of quality. Rather than
relying on established procedures, we go further and redesign production in highly
innovative ways.
Craftsmanship remains key to Arneg production.